Ensuring the highest level of safety for users of all types of facilities involves ensuring efficient, trouble-free and fast-acting fire protection systems - these are the solutions offered by our company. We offer fire alarm systems for industrial, commercial and office facilities, gas extinguishing systems, which are important in particular for the rooms of strategic importance for the Investor. We also offer smoke ventilation systems, based on smoke ventilation dampers or windows, and security installations - CCTV, SKD and SSWiN. In addition, we provide professional servicing of equipment and installations - both under warranty and post-warranty
A properly designed and installed fire alarm system covering a facility quickly and accurately locates the place where a fire hazard occurs, thus minimising the risk of loss of human life or health and damage to property. It also realizes, by means of systems, smoke removal from evacuation routes, activation of fire closures or fixed extinguishing devices.
Fixed extinguishing systems make it possible to eliminate a fire quickly and safely as soon as it is detected by the detection systems. This is made possible by the gases used in the extinguishing systems, which absorb heat and thus reduce the fire phenomenon completely. Thanks to the use of such systems, we prevent the fire from spreading, thus protecting the secured areas together with equipment or valuable items contained therein.
- Szkolenia z zakresu Ochrony Radiologicznej,
- Pomiary Radiologiczne, w tym środowiskowe, skażeń promieniotwórczych, szczelności źródeł zamkniętych etc,
- Zajmujemy się transportem źródeł i odpadów promieniotwórczych, posiadając stosowne zezwolenia i kierowców z uprawnieniami ADR (7) z wieloletnim doświadczeniem transportowym,
- Świadczymy usługi z zakresu magazynowania źródeł i przetwarzaniu odpadów promieniotwórczych,
- Przygotowujemy dokumentację do wniosku o zezwolenie/zgłoszenie działalności w narażeniu na promieniowanie jonizujące do Państwowej Agencji Atomistyki.
The application of the latest solutions in the field of smoke ventilation systems concerning the control systems and executive elements enables us to ensure safe evacuation of people from fire endangered areas. This effect is achieved by effective removal of smoke from escape routes, which makes them safe for people.
The Astrophysics baggage screening systems are the equipment of choice for a wider range of applications and enhanced X-Ray scanning capabilities. Thanks to their state-of-the-art technology, they are ideal for small consignments, security checkpoints and Cargo Handling.
We offer our customers professional service and 24-hour availability of service brigades throughout the country. We undertake service and maintenance work both in industrial facilities, technologically complex, as well as in office buildings, banking, military and educational establishments, hospitals, warehouses, archives, etc.